ÁLBUM do Amazonas 1901 - 1902. Manáos: Photographias de F.A Fidanza, 1901. 213 p.

a Llescolrnrto, <l c 3 e m 3 rumos. X em o snpe1·i11- tende 11tc n em os in tend ent es pod em Sl' l' recon– dnzi<los, no periodo imme<liatamcnt e s11cc·es– s ivo ú expi rac;ão do s res pccti,·os rn :rndatos. Os principaes m11ni c ipios do Estado s iio: d e Jlanaos, Ca1111tr11110, Ur1rr· cllus, Jlrwicoré, Fonte Btw, S. JJrllllo de Oliucnr:,i, S. Gr,bricl, S. FcliJJJJC, llwna_,·tfuí, Laúrer1, .l/rrnaca1Jlll'IÍ, Codr(irt::, Coarr, J'ef/e, IJurh((, llr1rnalir1rr1, Crucar;Í, 1Júr1- l ·islr1, .llr11H;s, Urucurilu/J((, Silues, .llnura, ]J((rintins, Rr1rreiri11ha e Flo– riww Pci.Yo[o . Para os effc itos j11di t.: i:u·io s a diYi s:ío t' por comr//'cr1s e lermus. S:ío rG as comarcas 1·0111 os respccti,·os termos: .l/r11uws, c·om o termo da cap ital <111e comprehe11de dois di stridos e o d e Jlanru·apuní; Jla cortliar((, vom os termos d e Itr1coalir1ra, Urucarrí e Silucs, no Amazonas; Parintin s , com os tc•rmos ,lc JJarintins e~ da Barreirinha, no .-\ rnazo11as;.llr11u;s, com o termo llo m esmo nome , no rio Jlrrnés; .lfo111·r1, c· o111 os termo s de R,,,.cellus e d e S. Gob,.icl, 110 rio X egro; Rio Rl'ancn, com o te rrno <la R{)((– l"isto, 110 rio Bra11c:o ; Curiry, co rno l e rrno de Corfr(iaz, no rio Solimões: Te/fé, com o termo de Fonte R t1a, no rio SolinH>es; S. Paulo de Oliuen çrt , com o termo lle rnesrno n om e , 110 rio Solimões; S. FeliJ)JJC, com o te rmo <lo m esmo nome•, no rio .J11ruú; J,abrea, com o termo do mesmo nome, no rio Purús; Can11tr1111r1, com o termo elo mesmo nom e , no rio Pnrús; .1nli– mr11·.r, <·om o tcn110 <l e Floriano J>ei.Yuto, 110 rio Aere; 0, finalm 0n te , Ilumr1y(fuí, 1·010 o te rmo do m esmo no11w, 110 rio ::\Iad c ira. A cada <·omru·l·a c·ornpete um juiz d e direi- Fo11f e lfoo, Srtn -Ptmlo de ()liu<'ru:a, Sn11- Gnbricl, .'-ia11-Fcli11pe, II 1rn1r1J·f hr1, l.ohr<'u, Jlctnoca1mr11, (;oclaJa::, Cour_1·, T<'/Té, Uorha, ltc1 cor1t iara, Ur111 ·n rCT, Hoa- l'isfu, Jlrm és, l ·r11- curif 11bu, SilUl'S , .l/()l[f'((, Pr1ri11fi11s, n((rrei– rill/1(( et Florir11w JJ eixulo. I-:11 mati e 1·u judici :1irc , ln, division cst faite c 11 co111r1n·c1s (l' l1ds -li e 11x ), et tcr111os '. l'01U- 1111111 es 1,:u1 nomu1· c total d e s c iz c,so i t:.l/a11r1os, la 1·ornmunc-eap ital e , fon11 ée Lle <l e ux di sL1·i cLs et <l e ce lui <l e Jla11a ca1111r11; llocoaiiaru, <Jni l'Omprcnd auss i les e orn1111rn es el e llacoatir1Nt, Urucara ct Silu es , s 111· \e fle11y e Amazo11cs; Prll'i11lins 1·ompre11d l<• s l'o1111111111es ll<· P((ri11- fi11s et Uarr eirinha, snr \p 111ij111 c fl c 11Yc; Jlrm és , a,·cr. la cornrn1111c'. 1le .1/mu;s, snr l e l'l e 11,·c 1111 m êm e nom ; Moura, aycc· lcs 1·om– m1111 es cJ e IJarccllos ct Su11-Gubricl, s11r l e H io -Negro ; Rio-Bra11co, aY1'(' la e o111m,111 e d e Jfo a-Vista, s ur l c rn ê m e fl<'ll\" C; (.'oar_r , fl.\"C(' ln. l'Olllmtme de (,'odc~ja::, sn1· le Sn\im,"i cs; T cfl'c;, aycc la com mun e d e Fonte nou, s ur \ e m ê 111 c fl e 11Ye; San-Prrnlo de Oliue11v1 , aYec la com – m11ne lln même 110m, s11r le Solirn,"i es; Sa11- FefiJJJ)C, ayec la co 111111un e el e ee 11nm, s m· le fl e nve .Jnrua; Lrtbrca, ave(' la eo1nm1me d e ee 110m, snr l e fl e uy e P11r11s; (,'anlliama, :tYee la commune 1l11 m êm e no111, snr lo Pnrn s; A 11 t inwry, a \' Cl' la co rnrnn n c de Floriano Peixoto, s m· le fl e n ve c\.er e , et enfin, llwna_r– l hr1 , avee la com11111n e d e e <· nom, s11r le fleny e .:'II a clc·ira. Chac111e chef-lie11 posse cl e un jnge ei yil, et il y a dn,ns chaqnc eommun c nn jugo m1rnicip a l, sauf l a capital c, qui c•n a t rois. tuba , Silves, Jloura, J>urinti11s. Hurr cirinh n a11J F/orimw P ci.Yo to. ln point of jutli1·ial nfrnirs, the \liYisio11 1:-; rnad e hy <'0111c11·cas 1ehiefs tl>\u1 s , :tllll /C'rrnos \UOl'OUghs , ; to t h c tota l llllll\Ul'l' or 1(i, yj z Jf((ncws, the uorough 1·apit:1\, 1·011qH'i:-i11g– t,Yo di sl ril'ts, a11ll tl1at or .Ha11uc·t1J>lll'll; Jlu– ('()(({iara, ,,·hieh compris cs also lh e IHii·o 11gh:– or lla coatiuru, l"n1curu and .\ilues, 011 t!H' riYe r c\mazon; /Juri11ti11s, vomp1·ises tlt c uoroughs of JJari11ti11s u11cl l:turrciri11hu. on th c sarne riYer; Jlrlllés, \Yith tlH' p:tri:,;lt of .llcrnés , 011 t h c riYe r \Yhi\'h bea1·s its 11:1111L': JI011ru, with the 1·om111un es oi' Uurcel/os :111d Si. <;abricl, 011 thc Rio-Xcgrn; Rio -Ur<t/lCO, \Yi t h t he l'Ommnnc oi' Uoa-Vistu, 011 tlt c s:tlllC riYe r; (,'oor_,. indt1cli11 g thc p:11·i ~d1 of <: ucl1\j<r:. 011 t h c So\in)(-)( \S ; 'f'efrc ; \\"Í(h tll( ' ('()lllllllllll' or Font e-Roa, on the sam c riYe1·; St . J>u11lo de Oliven <:u, \Yith tl1 c horough or thl' sarn<' 11:1111 c on U1c riYcr So linu-H•s; SI. FeliJ>J>C \Yit\1 thc eommunc of saml' name 011 tl1c ri y c 1· .1 ur11 :1: !,abre({ wi th Lh e 1·ommu11<' oi' sam(' n:um' 011 tlic riY e r P11n1s; r:urwlrtnw, \Yith the l'Olll– mune of the samc namc , 011 th c sa111c rir cr: Antimur_,·, wiLlt thc eom111t111c of Fluriono JJci.Yolo, on the riYc r c\ e 1·e; antl finall~· llwn((_,·thrt, \Yith tho eo mmu11 e oi' the S[llll C ll:tll) C, on tb.e :\lade ira l'i\"('l'. Each c lti e f l<>\Yn has n, eiYil j11tlgl', and in CaC'h ('O . o· ' mm un e a mnni e ipal j11dg0 , c xl'. e ptin ,, in tlie <'.apital, whcre there are th1·cc. '.l'he polic·L\ sen·i\' c for tl1e r cg ulatio11 of !ltC }Htblic sal\y is <'0i1fillcd to a vhicf l'o111niis-